Yes, there are specific labeling requirements that exporters from Malta must adhere to when exporting goods. These requirements are in place to ensure consumer safety, provide clear information to buyers, and comply with both Maltese and EU regulations. Here’s an overview of the key labeling requirements for goods exported from Malta:

General Labeling Requirements:

  1. Product Identification:
    • Each product must be clearly identified with accurate and truthful information about its nature or intended purpose.
    • The labeling should include the product name or description that is easily recognizable and understandable by consumers.
  2. Country of Origin:
    • The label must indicate the country where the product was manufactured or produced.
    • For goods exported from Malta, the label should specify "Made in Malta" or "Product of Malta" if the goods are wholly obtained or substantially transformed in Malta.
  3. Manufacturer or Supplier Information:
    • The label should include the name and address of the manufacturer, packager, or supplier.
    • This information helps in identifying the responsible party for the product and is crucial for traceability and consumer protection.
  4. Batch or Lot Number:
    • Products that are subject to batch or lot tracking should have a unique identifier (e.g., batch number, lot number) on the label.
    • This facilitates traceability in case of product recalls or quality issues.
  5. Net Quantity:
    • The label must display the net quantity of the product in metric units (e.g., kilograms, liters).
    • This information ensures transparency in the amount of product being sold and helps consumers make informed purchasing decisions.
  6. Instructions for Use and Safety Information:
    • Products that require specific instructions for use, assembly, installation, or maintenance must provide clear and understandable instructions on the label or accompanying documentation.
    • Safety information, warnings, or precautions related to the use of the product should also be prominently displayed.
  7. Language Requirements:
    • Labels should be in the official language(s) of the country of export (Malta) or in a language easily understood by consumers in the destination market.
    • For exports within the EU, labels must comply with the EU's language requirements, ensuring that information is accessible to consumers across member states.

Specific Industry Requirements:

  • Food Products: Labels for food products must comply with EU Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011, which includes mandatory information such as ingredients list, allergen information, nutritional information, and specific labeling requirements for certain ingredients or additives.
  • Cosmetics: Labels for cosmetics must comply with the EU Cosmetics Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009, which includes requirements for product name, function, ingredients list, and warnings or precautions.
  • Textiles and Apparel: Textile products must comply with labeling requirements under EU Regulation (EU) No 1007/2011, including fiber composition, care instructions, and country of origin labeling.
  • Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE): Labels for EEE must comply with the EU Directive 2011/65/EU (RoHS Directive) and may require symbols indicating compliance with environmental standards or disposal instructions.

Additional Considerations:

  • Packaging Requirements: Labels should be securely attached to the product or packaging and remain legible throughout the product’s lifecycle.
  • Customs Requirements: Labels should not only comply with consumer labeling regulations but also customs labeling requirements specific to the destination country or region.

It's essential for exporters from Malta to thoroughly understand and comply with these labeling requirements to avoid potential delays in customs clearance, ensure consumer safety, and maintain compliance with international trade regulations. For specific guidance tailored to your product category or destination market, consulting with a regulatory expert or customs broker is advisable.

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