Introduction to Sodra in Lithuania

Sodra is the social security system in Lithuania. Sodra plays a crucial role in the lives of Lithuanian citizens, and understanding its intricacies can be incredibly beneficial. In this comprehensive article, we'll dive deep into the world of Sodra, exploring its purpose, contributions, benefits, and more.

What is Sodra and what does it do?

Sodra, short for the State Social Insurance Fund Board, is the central institution responsible for managing Lithuania's social security system. Established in 1991, Sodra oversees the collection and distribution of social insurance contributions, ensuring that citizens receive the necessary social benefits and services.

Sodra's primary responsibilities include:

  1. Collecting social insurance contributions from employers, employees, and self-employed individuals
  2. Administering and distributing various social security benefits, such as pensions, sickness, maternity, and unemployment benefits
  3. Maintaining records of individuals' social insurance contributions and employment history
  4. Providing guidance and support to both employers and employees regarding social security-related matters

By fulfilling these duties, Sodra aims to create a comprehensive social safety net for the people of Lithuania, promoting financial stability and well-being.

Sodra contributions and benefits

As a member of the Lithuanian social security system, individuals are required to contribute to Sodra through mandatory social insurance payments. These contributions are typically deducted from an employee's gross salary and are shared between the employer and the employee.

The specific contribution rates vary depending on the type of insurance and the individual's employment status. For example, employees generally contribute 12.52% of their gross salary, while employers contribute an additional 1.77% for health insurance and 1.45% for pension insurance.

In return for these contributions, Sodra members are eligible to receive a range of social security benefits, including:

  1. Retirement pensions
  2. Disability pensions
  3. Sickness and maternity benefits
  4. Unemployment benefits
  5. Funeral grants

The amount and duration of these benefits are determined by factors such as the individual's contribution history, employment status, and personal circumstances.

How to register with Sodra

Registering with Sodra is a straightforward process that all Lithuanian residents must complete. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Obtain a personal identification number (personal code) from the Civil Registry Office.
  2. Register with the State Tax Inspectorate (VMI) as an employee, self-employed individual, or other type of insured person.
  3. Provide the necessary documentation, such as a passport or national ID card, to your employer or the VMI.
  4. Your employer or the VMI will then register you with Sodra, ensuring that your social insurance contributions are properly recorded.

Once registered, you will receive a Sodra insurance policy number, which you can use to access your Sodra account and track your contributions and benefits.

Sodra payment calculation and deadlines

Sodra contributions are calculated based on an individual's gross salary or income. Employers are responsible for deducting the employee's portion of the contribution from their monthly pay and remitting the full amount to Sodra.

The payment deadlines for Sodra contributions are as follows:

  1. Employees: The 15th of the following month
  2. Self-employed individuals: The 1st of the following month

It's important to note that failure to make timely Sodra payments can result in penalties and interest charges, so it's crucial to adhere to these deadlines.

Rights and obligations as a Sodra member

As a Sodra member, you have both rights and obligations. Your rights include:

  1. Receiving the social security benefits you are entitled to based on your contribution history
  2. Accessing your Sodra account information and records
  3. Requesting clarification or assistance from Sodra regarding your social insurance-related matters

Your obligations as a Sodra member include:

  1. Making timely and accurate social insurance contributions
  2. Informing Sodra of any changes in your employment or personal status
  3. Providing truthful and complete information to Sodra when requested

Fulfilling these rights and obligations ensures the proper functioning of the social security system and your eligibility for the benefits you have earned.

Sodra services and support

Sodra offers a range of services and support to its members. These include:

  1. Online portal for accessing your Sodra account and information
  2. Telephone and in-person customer service for inquiries and assistance
  3. Educational resources and guides on Sodra-related topics
  4. Assistance with applying for and receiving social security benefits

Sodra's dedicated staff is available to help you navigate the social security system and ensure that you receive the support you need.

Sodra for self-employed individuals

Self-employed individuals in Lithuania are also required to contribute to Sodra and are eligible for various social security benefits. The process for self-employed individuals includes:

  1. Registering with the State Tax Inspectorate (VMI) as self-employed
  2. Calculating and paying their Sodra contributions based on their declared income
  3. Applying for and receiving benefits such as sickness, maternity, and retirement pensions

Sodra provides specific guidance and resources for self-employed individuals to help them fulfill their social insurance obligations and access the benefits they are entitled to.

Sodra and social security in Lithuania

Sodra is the cornerstone of Lithuania's social security system, ensuring that citizens have access to essential social benefits and services. By contributing to Sodra, individuals not only secure their own financial well-being but also contribute to the overall social stability and welfare of the country.

Sodra's role extends beyond the administration of social insurance. It also works closely with other government agencies and organizations to coordinate social policies and initiatives, fostering a comprehensive approach to social security.


In conclusion, Sodra is a vital component of the Lithuanian social security system, providing a safety net for citizens and ensuring their access to essential social benefits. By understanding the intricacies of Sodra, from contributions and benefits to registration and support, individuals can navigate the system with confidence and take advantage of the resources available to them.

If you're a Lithuanian resident or planning to work in Lithuania, I encourage you to visit the official Sodra website ( to learn more about your rights and obligations as a Sodra member. Remember, staying informed and proactive about your social security can greatly improve your financial well-being and quality of life in Lithuania.

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