Applying for a trademark through the UK Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO) is a strategic step to protect your brand identity and distinguish your goods or services in the marketplace. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to apply for a trademark with the UKIPO:

Why Register a Trademark?

A trademark is a valuable asset that protects your brand name, logo, or slogan from unauthorized use by others. It allows you to build brand recognition, establish credibility with customers, and safeguard your market position.

Steps to Apply for a Trademark

1. Trademark Search

Before applying, conduct a comprehensive trademark search to ensure your mark is unique and not already registered or pending. This helps avoid potential conflicts and enhances the chances of your application being successful.

  • Use the UKIPO’s online search tools or consult with a trademark attorney for a more thorough search.

2. Prepare Your Application

  • Details Needed: Gather information about your trademark, including the mark itself (word, logo, or combined), the goods/services it will represent (classed under the Nice Classification system), and your business details.
  • Representation: Provide a clear representation of your trademark, which may include graphical elements or stylized text.

3. File Your Application

  • Online Submission: Submit your application electronically through the UKIPO’s official website here.
  • Paper Application: Alternatively, you can submit a paper application by mail to the UKIPO.

4. Application Fees

  • Cost: Application fees start at £170 for filing online. Additional fees apply if you choose to protect your trademark in multiple classes of goods/services.
  • Payment: Fees can be paid securely online during the application process.

5. Examination Process

  • Legal Examination: The UKIPO will examine your application to ensure it meets legal requirements, including distinctiveness and suitability for registration.
  • Publication: If accepted, your trademark will be published in the UKIPO’s Trade Marks Journal for a period of time to allow for any objections from third parties.

6. Opposition Period

  • Objections: During the publication period, third parties may oppose your trademark if they believe it conflicts with their existing rights.
  • Response: Respond to any objections within the specified timeframe to defend your application.

7. Registration

  • Grant of Registration: If no objections are raised, or if objections are successfully overcome, the UKIPO will register your trademark.
  • Certificate: You will receive a certificate of registration, confirming your exclusive rights to use the trademark for the specified goods/services in the UK.

Benefits of Registration

  • Exclusive Rights: Gain exclusive rights to use your trademark for the registered goods/services.
  • Legal Protection: Obtain legal protection against unauthorized use or infringement of your trademark.
  • Business Asset: Enhance the value of your brand as a valuable business asset.

Additional Tips

  • Maintain Your Trademark: Renew your trademark registration periodically to keep it active and enforceable.
  • Monitor: Regularly monitor the marketplace for unauthorized use of your trademark and take action if infringement occurs.


Registering a trademark with the UKIPO is a proactive step towards protecting your brand identity and maintaining your competitive advantage in the market. By following these steps and leveraging the resources provided by the UKIPO, you can safeguard your brand’s reputation and ensure its continued success in the dynamic business environment.

For more detailed guidance on applying for a trademark or to start your application process, visit the UK Intellectual Property Office’s official website at Take control of your brand’s future today with trademark protection from the UKIPO.

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