Annual Returns (Confirmation Statement)

  1. What is a Confirmation Statement?
    • A confirmation statement (previously known as the annual return) is a document that confirms the information Companies House has about your company is up to date.
  2. When to File:
    • It must be filed at least once a year, within 14 days of the anniversary of the company's incorporation or the date of the last confirmation statement.
  3. Information Required:
    • Registered office address
    • Principal business activities (SIC code)
    • Details of directors and company secretary (if applicable)
    • Shareholder information
    • Statement of capital and shareholder information (if changes have occurred)
  4. How to File:
    • Online via Companies House WebFiling service.
    • By post using form CS01.
  5. Filing Fee:
    • £13 for online filing.
    • £40 for postal filing.

Annual Accounts

  1. What are Annual Accounts?
    • Annual accounts (or financial statements) provide a comprehensive report of the company's financial activity and performance over the past year.
  2. When to File:
    • Within 9 months of the company’s financial year-end for private companies.
    • Within 6 months of the company’s financial year-end for public companies.
  3. Components of Annual Accounts:
    • Balance Sheet: Shows the company's assets, liabilities, and shareholders’ equity.
    • Profit and Loss Account: Summarizes the company's revenues, costs, and expenses during the financial year.
    • Notes to the Accounts: Provide additional detail and context for the figures in the financial statements.
    • Director’s Report: Outlines the company’s performance and key activities.
    • Auditor’s Report (if applicable): Required for companies that do not qualify for an audit exemption.
  4. How to File:
    • Online via Companies House WebFiling service.
    • By post using form AA01 for dormant companies or filing the full accounts for active companies.
  5. Filing Fee:
    • No fee for filing annual accounts.

Penalties for Late Filing

  1. Confirmation Statement:
    • Failure to file can result in the company being struck off the register and dissolved.
  2. Annual Accounts:
    • Penalties for late filing range from £150 to £1,500 for private companies and £750 to £7,500 for public companies, depending on the length of the delay.

By adhering to these requirements, UK companies ensure compliance with legal obligations and avoid potential penalties. Regular and timely filings also help maintain the company's good standing and credibility.

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