1. Phishing Attacks
    • Description: Deceptive attempts to obtain sensitive information by pretending to be a trustworthy entity.
    • Impact: Can lead to data breaches, financial loss, and compromised credentials.
  2. Ransomware
    • Description: Malicious software that encrypts data, demanding payment for the decryption key.
    • Impact: Disrupts business operations, causes data loss, and incurs financial costs for ransom and recovery.
  3. Insider Threats
    • Description: Security risks originating from within the organization, either maliciously or unintentionally.
    • Impact: Data theft, sabotage, and unintentional leaks can damage reputation and incur financial losses.
  4. Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs)
    • Description: Prolonged and targeted cyber attacks aimed at stealing data or spying.
    • Impact: Can result in significant data breaches, intellectual property theft, and long-term espionage.
  5. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks
    • Description: Overwhelming network resources with excessive traffic to cause service disruption.
    • Impact: Downtime, loss of revenue, and damage to brand reputation.
  6. Zero-Day Exploits
    • Description: Attacks exploiting unknown vulnerabilities in software or hardware.
    • Impact: Immediate and potentially severe damage before a patch is available.
  7. Unpatched Software
    • Description: Failure to apply updates or patches, leaving systems vulnerable to known exploits.
    • Impact: Increased risk of data breaches and malware infections.
  8. Social Engineering
    • Description: Manipulating individuals into divulging confidential information.
    • Impact: Unauthorized access to sensitive information and systems.
  9. Weak Passwords and Authentication
    • Description: Using simple or reused passwords that are easy to guess or crack.
    • Impact: Increased likelihood of unauthorized access to systems and data.
  10. IoT Vulnerabilities
    • Description: Security weaknesses in Internet of Things (IoT) devices connected to the network.
    • Impact: Entry points for cyber attacks, leading to potential breaches and data leaks.
  11. Third-Party Risks
    • Description: Security vulnerabilities originating from external vendors or partners.
    • Impact: Indirect threats that can compromise your network through weaker security practices of partners.

By understanding and addressing these threats, businesses can better protect their networks and data from potential cyber attacks.

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