Registering intellectual property (IP) such as trademarks, patents, and design rights with the UK Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO) involves specific processes and requirements. Here’s how you can apply for each type of IP:

1. Trademarks

A. Search Availability:

  • Conduct a trademark search to ensure your proposed trademark is unique and does not infringe on existing trademarks. This can be done using the UKIPO's online search tools or by hiring a trademark attorney.

B. Application Process:

  • Online Application: Submit your application through the UKIPO's online portal (
  • Required Information: You'll need to provide details such as your trademark (word, logo, or combined), the goods/services it will apply to (classed under Nice Classification), and details about your business.

C. Fees:

  • Application fees start at £170 for a single class of goods/services. Additional classes incur extra fees.
  • Payment is made online during the application process.

D. Examination:

  • The UKIPO will examine your application to ensure it meets all legal requirements, including distinctiveness and suitability for registration.
  • If accepted, your trademark will be published in the UKIPO's Trade Marks Journal.

2. Patents

A. Patentability Search:

  • Conduct a patentability search to assess if your invention is new, inventive, and not already patented. This can be done independently or with the help of a patent attorney.

B. Application Process:

  • Prepare Application: Draft a detailed patent application, including a description of the invention, claims defining the scope of protection, and any necessary drawings or diagrams.
  • File Application: Submit your application to the UKIPO either online or by post.

C. Fees:

  • Application fees start at £60 if filed online and £75 if filed on paper. Additional fees apply for search and examination.
  • Fees can vary based on the complexity and type of patent application.

D. Examination:

  • The UKIPO will examine your application to ensure it meets patentability criteria.
  • A substantive examination assesses novelty, inventive step, and industrial applicability.

E. Grant:

  • If your application meets all requirements, the UKIPO will grant your patent, and it will be published in the patents journal.

3. Design Rights

A. Registration vs. Unregistered Design Rights:

  • Decide whether to register your design with the UKIPO for additional protection or rely on unregistered design rights, which arise automatically but offer more limited protection.

B. Application Process for Registered Designs:

  • Prepare Application: Create detailed drawings or images of your design.
  • File Application: Submit your application online or by post to the UKIPO.

C. Fees:

  • Application fees start at £50 for a single design and £70 for multiple designs.
  • Additional fees may apply for expedited processing or amendments.

D. Examination:

  • The UKIPO will examine your application to ensure it meets registration requirements, including novelty and individual character.

E. Registration:

  • If accepted, your design will be registered and published in the UKIPO's designs journal.

Additional Tips

  • Use Professional Assistance: Consider consulting with a trademark attorney or patent agent to navigate the application process, especially for complex or strategic cases.
  • Monitor Progress: Track your application's progress through the UKIPO's online portal and respond promptly to any requests or objections.


By following these steps and utilizing the resources provided by the UKIPO, you can successfully apply for trademarks, patents, and design rights to protect your intellectual property in the UK.

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