Registering a trademark in the UK involves several steps. Here is a detailed guide to help you through the process:

1. Pre-Application Steps

Conduct a Trademark Search

Before applying, conduct a thorough search to ensure your trademark is unique and not already registered or in use by another business. You can use the UK Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO) database to search for existing trademarks:

2. Application Steps

Determine the Classes

Trademarks are registered for specific goods or services grouped into classes. The Nice Classification (NCL) system is used to classify these goods and services into 45 classes. Identify the relevant classes for your trademark:

Create Your Application

Prepare the necessary details for your application, including:

  • The trademark representation (word, logo, or combination).
  • A list of goods or services you wish to register the trademark for.
  • Owner details.

Submit Your Application

You can submit your application online via the UKIPO website:

Application Fee

The fee for a standard online application is £170, plus £50 for each additional class of goods or services. Fees may vary for paper applications or additional services.

3. Examination Process

Formal Examination

The UKIPO will conduct a formal examination to check that your application meets the necessary requirements.

Substantive Examination

The UKIPO examines your trademark for any conflicts with existing trademarks and other grounds for refusal. They may raise objections, which you will need to address.


If the examination is successful, your trademark will be published in the Trade Marks Journal. This allows third parties to oppose your application if they believe it conflicts with their own trademark rights. The opposition period lasts two months (extendable by one month).

4. Registration

No Opposition or Successful Opposition Resolution

If no oppositions are filed or if any oppositions are resolved in your favor, your trademark will be registered. You will receive a registration certificate.

Protection Period

Once registered, the trademark is protected for ten years from the date of filing. You can renew the trademark every ten years to maintain protection.

5. Post-Registration

Monitoring and Enforcement

Actively monitor your trademark to ensure others do not infringe on your rights. Take legal action if necessary to enforce your trademark rights.


Renew your trademark every ten years to maintain protection. The renewal process can be done online through the UKIPO website.

Useful Resources

By following these steps, you can successfully register your trademark in the UK. If you need assistance, consider consulting a trademark attorney to help navigate the process and address any potential issues.

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