The Malta Green Investments Scheme (GIS) is an initiative aimed at promoting investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in Malta. Here’s an overview of the Malta GIS:

Objectives of the Green Investments Scheme

  1. Promoting Renewable Energy: Encourage the deployment of renewable energy technologies such as solar photovoltaic (PV), wind energy, and biomass to reduce reliance on fossil fuels.
  2. Energy Efficiency: Support initiatives that improve energy efficiency in buildings, industries, and transport sectors, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption.
  3. Environmental Sustainability: Contribute to Malta’s environmental objectives by promoting sustainable development practices and mitigating climate change impacts.

Key Features of the Green Investments Scheme

  1. Eligible Projects:
    • Renewable Energy Projects: Investments in renewable energy generation systems, including solar PV panels, wind turbines, biomass boilers, and geothermal systems.
    • Energy Efficiency Measures: Upgrades and retrofits to improve energy performance in buildings, industrial processes, and transport fleets.
  2. Financial Support:
    • The scheme offers financial incentives, grants, and subsidies to support eligible investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency projects.
    • Funding is typically provided to cover a percentage of the costs associated with equipment procurement, installation, and implementation of energy-saving measures.
  3. Application Process:
    • Businesses, homeowners, public institutions, and other eligible entities can apply for GIS funding by submitting project proposals to the relevant authorities or implementing agencies.
    • Applications are assessed based on the project’s technical feasibility, economic viability, environmental benefits, and compliance with scheme criteria.
  4. Compliance and Monitoring:
    • Recipients of GIS funding are required to comply with reporting requirements and may be subject to monitoring to ensure projects achieve anticipated energy savings and environmental outcomes.
    • Adherence to technical standards and regulatory requirements is essential throughout the project lifecycle.

Benefits and Impact

  • Energy Savings: Reduces energy consumption and operational costs for businesses and households through improved efficiency and renewable energy generation.
  • Environmental Benefits: Contributes to Malta’s climate action goals by reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainable energy practices.
  • Economic Stimulus: Stimulates investment in green technologies, creates job opportunities in the renewable energy sector, and enhances Malta’s energy security.


The Malta Green Investments Scheme plays a pivotal role in promoting sustainable development and combating climate change by supporting investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency. By incentivizing green investments, the scheme helps Malta transition towards a low-carbon economy, fosters innovation in clean technologies, and enhances environmental resilience. For more information on eligibility criteria, application procedures, and available support under the GIS, interested parties can contact Malta’s relevant authorities or visit the Malta Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) website.

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