The Malta Film Incentives program provides financial incentives to attract film productions to the country, offering substantial rebates and support services. Here’s an in-depth look at what the program offers:

1. Cash Rebate on Eligible Expenditures

Rebate Percentage

  • Productions can benefit from a cash rebate of up to 40% on eligible expenses incurred in Malta.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Types of Productions: The rebate applies to feature films, television films, television series, mini-series, animation, creative documentaries, transmedia, and cross-media productions.
  • Cultural Test: Productions must pass a cultural test that evaluates the cultural and economic contribution to Malta.
  • Minimum Spend: Typically, there is a minimum spend requirement on eligible costs, which varies depending on the type of production.

Eligible Expenditures

  • Personnel Costs: Wages and salaries for Maltese residents involved in the production.
  • Facilities and Services: Costs related to the use of local studios, post-production services, and other facilities.
  • Accommodation and Transportation: Expenses for accommodation, transportation, and catering within Malta.
  • Production Costs: Expenses on set construction, props, equipment rental, and other production-related costs.

2. Application Process

Step 1: Pre-Application

  • Before the start of principal photography or production, applicants must submit a pre-application to the Malta Film Commission. This should include details about the production, budget, and estimated eligible expenditures.

Step 2: Application Submission

  • Submit a detailed application including the script, budget, schedule, and any other required documentation. The application must demonstrate how the production meets the cultural and economic criteria.

Step 3: Evaluation

  • The Malta Film Commission evaluates the application based on the cultural test and the projected economic impact. Successful applicants receive provisional approval.

Step 4: Monitoring

  • During production, the Malta Film Commission monitors expenditures to ensure they meet eligibility criteria.

Step 5: Final Audit and Rebate

  • After production, a final audit is conducted to verify the eligible expenditures. The rebate is then calculated and disbursed.

3. Additional Incentives

Malta Film Fund

  • Provides grants for script development, production, and distribution. This fund supports local and international filmmakers in creating high-quality content.

Co-Production Treaties

  • Malta has co-production treaties with several countries, allowing productions to benefit from financial incentives in both Malta and the partner country.

EU Funding

  • Productions in Malta may also be eligible for funding through various EU programs such as Creative Europe.

4. Support Services

Location Scouting

  • The Malta Film Commission assists in identifying and securing diverse filming locations across Malta and Gozo.


  • Assistance with obtaining the necessary permits for filming in public and private locations.

Logistical Support

  • Help with accommodation, transportation, and other logistical needs to facilitate smooth production operations.

5. Successful Productions

Malta has been the filming location for numerous high-profile productions, including:

  • "Gladiator": Utilized Malta's historical sites for ancient Roman scenes.
  • "Troy": Filmed key battle scenes on Malta’s rugged coastlines.
  • "Game of Thrones": Featured locations like Mdina and Fort Manoel.
  • "Captain Phillips": Utilized Malta’s maritime infrastructure.


Malta’s film incentives program, with its generous cash rebates, supportive infrastructure, and favorable production environment, makes it an attractive destination for filmmakers. By leveraging these incentives, productions can achieve significant cost savings while benefiting from Malta’s diverse and picturesque locations. The Malta Film Commission plays a crucial role in facilitating the entire process, ensuring that productions can maximize the benefits available.

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