The Malta Cultural Partnership Agreement (CPA) Funds are financial resources allocated to support cultural initiatives, projects, and organizations that contribute to the promotion and development of arts and culture in Malta. Here’s an overview of the CPA Funds:

Objectives of the Cultural Partnership Agreement (CPA) Funds

  1. Promoting Cultural Diversity: Support initiatives that celebrate Malta’s cultural heritage and diversity, including traditional arts, music, literature, and visual arts.
  2. Enhancing Cultural Infrastructure: Invest in cultural venues, facilities, and infrastructure to improve accessibility and quality of cultural activities across Malta.
  3. Supporting Creative Industries: Stimulate growth and innovation within Malta’s creative industries sector, including film, design, performing arts, and digital arts.

Key Features of the CPA Funds

  1. Financial Support:
    • The CPA Funds provide financial grants, subsidies, and sponsorship opportunities to cultural organizations, artists, and projects that align with the objectives of promoting Maltese culture and fostering artistic creativity.
    • Funding is available for various activities such as exhibitions, performances, workshops, heritage preservation projects, and cultural exchanges.
  2. Eligibility Criteria:
    • Eligible applicants typically include registered cultural organizations, NGOs, artists, performers, and creative enterprises based in Malta.
    • Projects must demonstrate artistic merit, cultural relevance, and potential impact on the local community and cultural landscape.
  3. Application Process:
    • Applicants must submit project proposals outlining the objectives, budget, timeline, and expected outcomes of their cultural initiatives.
    • Proposals are evaluated based on artistic quality, feasibility, community engagement, and alignment with CPA Funds’ strategic priorities.
  4. Collaborative Partnerships:
    • Encourages partnerships and collaborations between cultural entities, private sector sponsors, educational institutions, and community organizations to leverage resources and maximize impact.
  5. Monitoring and Evaluation:
    • Recipients of CPA Funds are required to comply with reporting requirements, including financial accountability and project impact assessments.
    • The Malta Arts Council (Kunsill Malti għall-Arti) and other relevant authorities oversee the administration and monitoring of CPA Funds to ensure transparency and effective use of resources.

Benefits and Impact

  • Cultural Enrichment: Supports cultural diversity, artistic innovation, and heritage preservation initiatives that enrich Malta’s cultural landscape.
  • Community Engagement: Engages local communities in cultural activities, promotes cultural awareness, and fosters pride in Malta’s cultural heritage.
  • Economic Contribution: Stimulates economic growth through tourism, job creation in the cultural sector, and revenue generation from cultural events and activities.


The Malta Cultural Partnership Agreement (CPA) Funds play a crucial role in nurturing artistic talent, preserving cultural heritage, and promoting cultural vibrancy in Malta. By providing financial support to cultural organizations and creative initiatives, the CPA Funds contribute to Malta’s cultural identity and societal well-being. For more information on eligibility criteria, application guidelines, and funding opportunities under the CPA Funds, interested parties can visit the Malta Arts Council (Kunsill Malti għall-Arti) website.

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