The Malta Business Registry (MBR) is the official body responsible for the registration and regulation of companies and commercial partnerships in Malta. It oversees various administrative and legal processes, including the registration of new companies, filing of statutory documents, and the transfer of shares.

Key Functions of the Malta Business Registry

  1. Company Registration: Incorporation of new companies and partnerships.
  2. Document Filing: Filing of annual returns, financial statements, and other statutory documents.
  3. Share Transfers: Processing and recording of share transfers.
  4. Company Searches: Providing access to company information and documents.
  5. Compliance and Enforcement: Ensuring companies comply with the Companies Act and other relevant legislation.

Contact Information

How to Submit Form T to the Malta Business Registry

To transfer shares and submit Form T, follow these steps:

  1. Complete Form T: Fill out all required details accurately, ensuring it is signed by both the transferor and transferee, as well as the witnesses.
  2. Prepare Supporting Documents:
    • Share Transfer Agreement
    • Original share certificates
    • Proof of payment of stamp duty
  3. Submission:
    • Submit the documents in person, by post, or electronically (if the MBR supports online submissions for this purpose).
    • Ensure you have all necessary copies and receipts for your records.

Template for Form T

Here is a detailed template for the Share Transfer Form (Form T) used in Malta:

Form T: Share Transfer Form

Company Details:

  • Company Name: _______________________________
  • Company Registration Number: _________________
  • Registered Address: ___________________________

Transferor (Seller) Details:

  • Full Name: ___________________________________
  • Address: _____________________________________
  • Identification Number: _________________________

Transferee (Buyer) Details:

  • Full Name: ___________________________________
  • Address: _____________________________________
  • Identification Number: _________________________

Share Details:

  • Class of Shares: _______________________________
  • Number of Shares: ____________________________
  • Certificate Number(s): _________________________


  • Amount Paid (€): ____________________________

Declaration and Signatures:

I/We, the undersigned transferor(s), hereby transfer the above-mentioned shares to the transferee(s) named above, for the consideration specified above, and request that the transferee(s) be registered as the holder(s) of such shares.

Transferor's Signature(s):

  • [Full Name: _______________________________]Date: _______________

Transferee's Signature(s):

  • [Full Name: _______________________________]Date: _______________


    • Name: ___________________________________
    • Address: _________________________________
    • Date: ___________________________________
    • Name: ___________________________________
    • Address: _________________________________
    • Date: ___________________________________

For Office Use Only:

  • Date of Registration of Transfer: _______________
  • Updated by: ___________________________________

Additional Notes

  • Witnesses: Signatures of the transferor and transferee must be witnessed, with witnesses providing their full details and signing the form.
  • Stamp Duty: Ensure stamp duty is calculated, paid, and proof of payment is attached.
  • Compliance: Review and ensure compliance with any specific requirements or updates from the Malta Business Registry.

For the most accurate and up-to-date information, always refer to the Malta Business Registry’s official guidelines and consult with a legal professional if needed.

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