Malta offers a variety of incentives to filmmakers, making it a compelling destination for both local and international film productions. Here is an overview of the key incentives available to filmmakers in Malta:

1. Cash Rebate Program

Rebate Percentage

  • Filmmakers can receive a cash rebate of up to 40% on eligible production expenditures incurred in Malta.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Types of Productions: Feature films, television films, television series, mini-series, animation, creative documentaries, transmedia, and cross-media productions.
  • Cultural Test: Productions must pass a cultural test that evaluates the cultural and economic contribution to Malta.
  • Minimum Spend: There is typically a minimum spend requirement on eligible costs, which varies depending on the type of production.

Eligible Expenditures

  • Personnel Costs: Wages and salaries for Maltese residents involved in the production.
  • Facilities and Services: Costs related to the use of local studios, post-production services, and other facilities.
  • Accommodation and Transportation: Expenses for accommodation, transportation, and catering within Malta.
  • Production Costs: Expenses on set construction, props, equipment rental, and other production-related costs.

2. Malta Film Fund


  • The Malta Film Fund provides financial support for the development, production, and distribution of films. The fund aims to encourage the creation of high-quality films that promote Maltese culture and talent.

Types of Grants

  • Development Grants: For script and project development.
  • Production Grants: For the actual production of films.
  • Distribution Grants: For marketing and distributing films.


  • Both local and international filmmakers can apply for the Malta Film Fund, provided their projects meet the fund’s criteria and contribute to the promotion of Maltese culture or the local film industry.

3. Co-Production Treaties

Bilateral Agreements

  • Malta has co-production treaties with several countries, allowing productions to benefit from financial incentives in both Malta and the partner country.


  • These treaties facilitate international collaborations, making it easier for filmmakers to pool resources, talent, and funding from multiple countries.

4. EU Funding Programs

Creative Europe

  • Malta is eligible for EU funding programs such as Creative Europe, which supports the cultural and creative sectors, including film production. These programs provide grants for development, production, and distribution.

5. Tax Incentives

VAT Refunds

  • Productions can benefit from VAT refunds on certain production-related expenses, reducing overall costs.

6. Support Services

Location Scouting and Permitting

  • The Malta Film Commission offers assistance with location scouting and securing permits, simplifying the logistical aspects of filming in Malta.

Logistical Support

  • The commission also provides support with accommodation, transportation, and other logistical needs, ensuring smooth production operations.

7. Production Facilities

State-of-the-Art Studios

  • Malta has several high-quality production facilities, including professional sound stages and water tanks for underwater filming. These facilities are available at competitive rates, further incentivizing productions to choose Malta.

Experienced Local Crew

  • Malta boasts a pool of experienced film professionals, from directors and producers to technical crew and support staff, who are available to work on international productions.


Malta’s film incentives program offers substantial financial benefits, including cash rebates, grants, and tax incentives, alongside strong support services and facilities. These incentives, combined with Malta’s diverse locations, experienced crews, and film-friendly environment, make the country an attractive destination for filmmakers from around the world.

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