Horizon Europe is the European Union's (EU) flagship research and innovation funding program for the period 2021-2027. It succeeds the previous framework program, Horizon 2020, and aims to promote scientific excellence, tackle societal challenges, and drive economic growth and competitiveness across Europe. Here’s an overview of how Malta participates in Horizon Europe:

Malta's Participation in Horizon Europe

  1. Funding and Budget:
    • Horizon Europe has a significant budget of around €95.5 billion for the 2021-2027 period, making it one of the world's largest research and innovation funding programs.
    • Malta participates in Horizon Europe as an EU member state and benefits from funding opportunities across its various pillars and programs.
  2. Pillars and Programs:
    • Pillar 1 - Excellent Science: Focuses on supporting frontier research, training researchers, and funding the European Research Council (ERC), Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), and research infrastructures.
    • Pillar 2 - Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness: Addresses societal challenges such as health, climate change, clean energy, digital transformation, and food security through collaborative research and innovation projects.
    • Pillar 3 - Innovative Europe: Aims to strengthen the European innovation ecosystem, support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and foster breakthrough innovation.
    • Pillar 4 - Widening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area: Focuses on reducing disparities in research and innovation performance across Europe, including support for less developed regions and countries.
  3. Malta's Strategic Priorities:
    • Malta aligns its participation in Horizon Europe with national research and innovation priorities, focusing on areas that contribute to economic growth, societal well-being, and environmental sustainability.
    • Maltese entities, including universities, research institutions, businesses, and NGOs, are eligible to participate in Horizon Europe projects and consortia.
  4. Collaborative Projects and Consortia:
    • Horizon Europe encourages collaborative projects involving multiple partners from different EU member states and associated countries, fostering cross-border cooperation and knowledge exchange.
    • Maltese organizations actively participate in consortia to leverage EU funding, access expertise, and contribute to cutting-edge research and innovation initiatives.
  5. Accessing Horizon Europe Funds:
    • Maltese entities interested in participating in Horizon Europe projects can apply for funding through competitive calls for proposals published by the European Commission.
    • Funding opportunities are accessible through various instruments, including grants, prizes, and financial instruments designed to support research, innovation, and technology development.

Benefits for Malta

  • Research Excellence: Supports Maltese researchers and institutions in accessing funding for pioneering research and advancing scientific knowledge.
  • Innovation and Competitiveness: Enhances Malta's innovation capacity and competitiveness by collaborating on projects that address global challenges and market opportunities.
  • International Collaboration: Facilitates partnerships with leading research organizations, industry stakeholders, and policymakers across Europe and beyond.


Horizon Europe represents a significant opportunity for Malta to participate in cutting-edge research, innovation, and technological development within the EU framework. By engaging in collaborative projects and leveraging EU funding, Malta can contribute to addressing global challenges, driving economic growth, and fostering sustainable development. For more information on Horizon Europe and funding opportunities, visit the Horizon Europe website.


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