Introduction to setting up a company in Hungary

Hungary presents an attractive destination with its robust economy, strategic location, and favorable business environment. In this comprehensive guide, we will navigate the intricate process of company setup in Hungary, unveiling the benefits, legal requirements, and essential steps to unlock success in this dynamic market.

Hungary's central European location, combined with its well-developed infrastructure and skilled workforce, has positioned it as a hub for international businesses. The country's pro-business policies, competitive tax rates, and access to the European Union (EU) market make it an appealing choice for entrepreneurs from diverse industries.

Whether you're a local or foreign investor, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and insights necessary to navigate the complexities of company formation in Hungary. We will delve into the various legal structures available, registration procedures, tax obligations, and support resources, ensuring a seamless transition into the Hungarian business landscape.

Benefits of starting a business in Hungary

Setting up a company in Hungary offers numerous advantages that can contribute to your entrepreneurial success. Here are some compelling reasons to consider Hungary as your business destination:

  1. Strategic Geographical Location: Situated at the heart of Central Europe, Hungary serves as a gateway to the EU market, facilitating efficient access to neighboring countries and enabling seamless trade and transportation.
  2. Skilled and Educated Workforce: Hungary boasts a highly educated and multilingual workforce, renowned for their technical expertise and proficiency in various sectors, including engineering, IT, and manufacturing.
  3. Favorable Tax Environment: Hungary offers a competitive corporate tax rate of 9%, one of the lowest in the EU, along with attractive incentives and deductions for businesses engaged in research and development (R&D) activities.
  4. Robust Infrastructure: The country's well-developed transportation network, including highways, railways, and airports, facilitates efficient logistics and distribution, ensuring seamless connectivity with global markets.
  5. Supportive Business Climate: The Hungarian government actively promotes foreign direct investment (FDI) and provides various incentives, such as tax breaks, subsidies, and streamlined administrative processes, to encourage business growth and innovation.

Legal requirements for company setup in Hungary

Before embarking on your entrepreneurial journey in Hungary, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the legal requirements for company setup. Compliance with these regulations is essential to ensure a smooth and successful establishment of your business. Here are the key legal considerations:

  1. Business Registration: All companies in Hungary must be registered with the relevant authorities, such as the Company Court and the Hungarian Tax Authority. This process involves submitting the necessary documentation, including articles of association, proof of address, and identification documents.
  2. Minimum Capital Requirements: Depending on the legal structure of your company, there may be minimum capital requirements. For example, limited liability companies (Kft.) require a minimum share capital of HUF 3 million (approximately €8,000).
  3. Licenses and Permits: Certain business activities may require specific licenses or permits from the relevant authorities. These can include trade licenses, environmental permits, or occupational licenses. It is crucial to research and obtain the necessary permits applicable to your industry and business activities.
  4. Data Protection and Privacy Laws: Hungary has strict data protection and privacy laws, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union. Businesses must implement appropriate measures to ensure compliance with these regulations when handling personal data.
  5. Labor Laws: If you plan to hire employees, you must familiarize yourself with Hungary's labor laws, which govern areas such as minimum wage, working hours, employee benefits, and termination procedures.

Types of companies in Hungary

Hungary offers various legal structures for businesses, each with its own advantages and requirements. The most common types of companies are:

  1. Limited Liability Company (Kft.): This is the most popular form of business entity in Hungary, suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises. A Kft. has limited liability, meaning the owners' personal assets are protected from the company's debts and liabilities.
  2. Joint-Stock Company (Rt.): An Rt. is a type of corporation suitable for larger businesses or those seeking to raise capital through public offerings. It requires a higher minimum share capital and more stringent reporting and governance requirements.
  3. Branch Office: Foreign companies can establish a branch office in Hungary, which is considered an extension of the parent company and not a separate legal entity.
  4. Sole Proprietorship: This is a simple business structure suitable for small-scale operations, where the owner is personally liable for the business's debts and liabilities.
  5. Partnership: Hungary recognizes various forms of partnerships, including general partnerships (Kkt.) and limited partnerships (Bt.), which allow for shared ownership and management responsibilities.

Choosing the appropriate legal structure is crucial as it impacts factors such as liability, taxation, management, and reporting requirements. It is advisable to consult with legal and financial experts to determine the best option for your specific business needs.

Choosing a business name and registering it in Hungary

Selecting a unique and memorable business name is an essential step in establishing your brand identity. In Hungary, there are specific rules and regulations governing the naming and registration of companies. Here are the key considerations:

  1. Name Availability: Before registering your business name, you must ensure its availability by conducting a name search through the Company Information and Electronic Company Registration Service (Céginformációs és az Elektronikus Cégeljárásban Közreműködő Szolgálat). This will prevent conflicts with existing registered names.
  2. Name Requirements: Business names in Hungary must comply with certain guidelines, such as including the legal form of the company (e.g., Kft., Rt.) and avoiding misleading or offensive terms.
  3. Registration Process: Once you have chosen an available and compliant name, you can proceed with registering your company through the Company Court (Cégbíróság). This process involves submitting the required documentation, including the articles of association and proof of minimum share capital (if applicable).
  4. Trademark Protection: While registering your business name secures its use within Hungary, it is advisable to consider trademarking your brand name to ensure broader protection and prevent potential infringement issues.

Choosing the right business name is crucial as it represents your brand identity and can significantly impact your company's success. It is recommended to seek professional advice to ensure compliance with all naming and registration requirements.

Tax obligations and incentives for businesses in Hungary

Navigating the tax landscape is an essential aspect of running a successful business in Hungary. Understanding your tax obligations and taking advantage of available incentives can help optimize your financial performance and ensure compliance with local regulations. Here are the key tax considerations:

  1. Corporate Income Tax: Hungary has a flat corporate income tax rate of 9%, which is one of the lowest in the European Union. This rate applies to both domestic and foreign companies operating in the country.
  2. Value-Added Tax (VAT): The standard VAT rate in Hungary is 27%, with reduced rates applying to certain goods and services, such as food and medical supplies.
  3. Personal Income Tax: Individuals employed by your company will be subject to personal income tax, which is levied at a flat rate of 15% on their taxable income.
  4. Social Security Contributions: Employers and employees are required to contribute to Hungary's social security system, which includes pension, health insurance, and labor market funds.
  5. Tax Incentives and Deductions: Hungary offers various tax incentives and deductions to encourage business growth and investment. These may include tax credits for research and development activities, accelerated depreciation for certain assets, and tax holidays for companies operating in specific sectors or regions.
  6. Transfer Pricing Rules: If your company engages in transactions with related parties, you must comply with Hungary's transfer pricing rules to ensure that prices are set at arm's length and in accordance with market conditions.

It is essential to consult with qualified tax professionals to ensure compliance with all tax obligations and to explore available incentives and deductions that can benefit your business. Proper tax planning and management can significantly impact your company's profitability and long-term success.

Hiring employees and labor laws in Hungary

Building a skilled and dedicated workforce is crucial for the growth and success of your business in Hungary. However, it is important to navigate the country's labor laws and regulations to ensure compliance and maintain a positive employer-employee relationship. Here are the key considerations:

  1. Employment Contracts: All employees in Hungary must have a written employment contract that outlines the terms and conditions of their employment, including job responsibilities, working hours, compensation, and termination procedures.
  2. Minimum Wage and Working Hours: Hungary has a statutory minimum wage that is reviewed and adjusted annually. Additionally, there are regulations governing maximum working hours, overtime pay, and mandatory rest periods.
  3. Employee Benefits: Employers in Hungary are required to provide certain benefits to their employees, including paid annual leave, sick leave, and maternity/paternity leave. Additional benefits, such as health insurance and retirement plans, may also be offered.
  4. Termination and Severance Pay: Hungarian labor laws outline specific procedures for terminating employment contracts, including notice periods and severance pay requirements. It is essential to follow these regulations to avoid potential legal disputes.
  5. Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity: Hungary has laws prohibiting discrimination in employment based on factors such as age, gender, race, religion, or disability. Employers must ensure equal opportunity and fair treatment for all employees.
  6. Trade Unions and Collective Bargaining: Employees in Hungary have the right to form and join trade unions, which can negotiate collective bargaining agreements with employers on behalf of their members.

Compliance with labor laws and regulations is essential for maintaining a harmonious and productive workplace. It is advisable to seek guidance from legal experts or consult with local employment agencies to ensure you are meeting all requirements and fostering a positive employer-employee relationship.

Business support and resources in Hungary

Starting and operating a business can be a challenging endeavor, but fortunately, Hungary offers various support systems and resources to assist entrepreneurs and companies. Leveraging these resources can provide valuable guidance, networking opportunities, and access to funding and incentives. Here are some key support systems and resources available:

Government Agencies and Organizations:

  1. The Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency (HIPA) provides assistance and information to foreign investors interested in establishing operations in Hungary.
  2. The National Research, Development, and Innovation Office (NKFIH) offers funding and support for research and development activities.
  3. The Hungarian Intellectual Property Office (HIPO) assists with intellectual property protection, such as trademarks and patents.

Business Incubators and Accelerators:

  1. Hungary has several business incubators and accelerators that provide workspace, mentorship, and networking opportunities for startups and early-stage companies. Examples include Design Terminal, Startup Campus, and Hiventures.

Chambers of Commerce and Industry Associations:

  1. Organizations like the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKIK) and industry-specific associations offer networking events, training programs, and advocacy for businesses in their respective sectors.

Co-working Spaces and Entrepreneurial Communities:

  1. Collaborative workspaces and entrepreneurial communities, such as Impact Hub Budapest and Kitchen Budapest, provide shared office spaces, events, and opportunities for networking and knowledge-sharing among entrepreneurs.

Funding and Investment Opportunities:

  1. Various funding sources are available for businesses in Hungary, including venture capital firms, angel investor networks, and government-backed funding programs like the Széchenyi Venture Capital Fund.

Professional Services and Consultancies:

  1. Hungary has a range of professional services firms and consultancies that can provide expert guidance on legal, accounting, tax, and business strategy matters.

Leveraging these support systems and resources can significantly enhance your chances of success by providing access to valuable knowledge, networks, and funding opportunities. It is recommended to actively engage with these resources and seek out the assistance that best aligns with your business goals and needs.

Financing options for startups in Hungary

Securing adequate financing is a critical component of launching and growing a successful business venture in Hungary. Fortunately, there are various financing options available to entrepreneurs and startups, ranging from traditional banking solutions to innovative funding mechanisms. Here are some of the key financing options to explore:

Bank Loans and Credit Lines:

  1. Traditional bank loans and credit lines are widely available in Hungary, offering access to capital for business operations, expansion, or asset acquisition. Major banks operating in Hungary include OTP Bank, K&H Bank, and UniCredit Bank.

Venture Capital and Angel Investors:

  1. Hungary has an active venture capital and angel investor community that provides equity financing to promising startups and early-stage companies.

Crowdfunding Platforms:

  1. Crowdfunding has gained popularity as an alternative financing method for startups and small businesses in Hungary. Platforms like Indiegogo and Kickstarter allow entrepreneurs to raise funds from a large pool of individual investors or backers.

Government Grants and Subsidies:

  1. The Hungarian government offers various grant programs and subsidies to support businesses, particularly in sectors such as research and development, innovation, and technology. Programs like the National Research, Development, and Innovation Office (NKFIH) and the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme (GINOP) provide funding opportunities.

Business Incubators and Accelerators:

  1. In addition to providing mentorship and support services, many business incubators and accelerators in Hungary offer seed funding or investment opportunities for promising startups.

Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Lending:

  1. P2P lending platforms allow businesses to access loans from individual investors, often with more flexible terms and lower interest rates than traditional bank loans.

When exploring financing options, it is essential to carefully evaluate the terms, conditions, and potential risks associated with each option. It may also be beneficial to seek advice from financial advisors or experienced entrepreneurs to develop a comprehensive financing strategy tailored to your business's specific needs and growth plans.


Embarking on the journey of setting up a company in Hungary can be both exciting and challenging. By following the steps outlined in this comprehensive guide, you will be well-equipped to navigate the legal requirements, choose the appropriate business structure, and take advantage of the numerous benefits and support systems available in this dynamic business environment.

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