Malta has emerged as a promising destination for startups, offering a conducive environment supported by various incentives and support measures aimed at fostering entrepreneurial growth and innovation. These incentives are designed to attract both local entrepreneurs and international startups looking to establish and expand their businesses within the European Union. Here’s an overview of the key incentives available for startups in Malta:

Start-Up Malta Scheme

The Start-Up Malta Scheme is a flagship initiative aimed at supporting early-stage ventures and innovative startups. It offers a range of incentives to qualifying startups, including:

  • Tax Credits: Startups can benefit from tax credits on eligible expenditure related to research and development (R&D), intellectual property (IP), and training costs. These credits help reduce the cost of innovation and encourage investment in cutting-edge technologies.
  • Access to Finance: Assistance is provided in accessing finance through government-backed financing schemes, venture capital funds, and business angels networks. This financial support enables startups to secure the necessary capital for growth and expansion.
  • Business Support Services: Startups under this scheme receive guidance and support services through business incubators, accelerators, and mentorship programs. These services help startups refine their business models, access networks of investors and industry experts, and navigate the early stages of growth.

Investment Tax Credits

Malta offers investment tax credits to incentivize investment in qualifying tangible and intangible assets. Startups can benefit from tax credits on expenditure incurred for the acquisition of machinery, equipment, and intellectual property rights essential for their operations. This incentive encourages startups to invest in modern technologies and infrastructure, enhancing their competitiveness in the global market.

Research and Development (R&D) Tax Credits

Startups engaged in R&D activities can avail themselves of R&D tax credits, which provide relief on qualifying expenditure related to R&D projects. Eligible costs may include salaries of R&D personnel, costs of materials and equipment used in R&D, and overhead expenses directly attributable to R&D activities. These credits promote innovation-driven entrepreneurship and support startups in developing new products, services, or processes.

Business Incubators and Accelerators

Malta supports startups through dedicated business incubators and accelerators that offer essential infrastructure, shared office spaces, and comprehensive business development services. These programs play a crucial role in nurturing startup growth, providing access to mentorship, training workshops, and networking opportunities with potential investors and industry peers.

Malta Enterprise Support Schemes

Malta Enterprise, the national economic development agency, administers various support schemes tailored for startups and small businesses. These schemes include:

  • Financial Assistance: Grants and loans for investment in fixed assets, expansion projects, and internationalization initiatives.
  • Training Grants: Funding support for employee training and skills development to enhance workforce capabilities and productivity.
  • Consultancy Services: Subsidized consultancy services to help startups improve operational efficiency, develop strategic plans, and comply with regulatory requirements.
  • Internationalization Support: Assistance in accessing international markets through trade missions, business matchmaking events, and export promotion initiatives.

European Union Funding Programs

Malta participates in EU funding programs that provide grants, loans, and equity financing to startups and innovative enterprises. Programs such as Horizon Europe, COSME, and ESIF offer opportunities for startups to secure funding for research, innovation, and international expansion projects. These EU initiatives complement Malta’s national incentives and support measures, further enhancing the funding prospects for startups in Malta.


Startups in Malta benefit from a robust ecosystem supported by a range of incentives, financial assistance, and business support services. These incentives are instrumental in reducing financial barriers, stimulating innovation, and facilitating sustainable growth for startups across various sectors. Entrepreneurs considering launching or expanding their startup in Malta are encouraged to explore these incentives, seek advice from local business advisors, and leverage the supportive ecosystem to maximize their success in Malta’s dynamic and competitive business landscape. By capitalizing on these incentives, startups can position themselves for long-term prosperity and contribute to Malta’s thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem.

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