In Estonia, as in many countries worldwide, categorizing economic activities is essential for statistical analysis, administrative purposes, and regulatory compliance. The Estonian Classification of Economic Activities (EMTAK) plays a crucial role in this process, providing a standardized framework to classify and organize businesses based on their primary activities. This article explores what the EMTAK code is, how it is structured, its importance, and how businesses benefit from its use.

What is the EMTAK Code?

The EMTAK code is Estonia’s national classification system for economic activities, similar to the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) used globally. It assigns a unique code to each type of economic activity based on its nature and primary function. The code system is hierarchical, with broader categories at higher levels and more specific activities classified at lower levels. This hierarchical structure allows for detailed and precise classification of economic activities across various sectors.

Structure of the EMTAK Code

The EMTAK code is structured into different levels, each providing more detailed classification:

  1. Sections: The highest level of classification divides economic activities into broad sections, such as agriculture, manufacturing, construction, wholesale and retail trade, transportation, accommodation and food service activities, information and communication, financial and insurance activities, real estate activities, professional, scientific, and technical activities, administrative and support service activities, public administration and defense, education, human health and social work activities, arts, entertainment, and recreation, and other service activities.
  2. Divisions: Each section is further divided into divisions, which group related economic activities together. For example, within the manufacturing section, divisions could include food products, textiles, wood and wood products, chemicals, machinery, etc.
  3. Groups: Divisions are further divided into groups, offering more specific classifications. Continuing with the manufacturing example, groups could include dairy products within the food products division, or clothing within the textiles division.
  4. Classes: The most detailed level of classification is the class level, where specific economic activities are categorized. For instance, within the dairy products group, classes could include the production of milk, cheese, butter, etc.

Importance of the EMTAK Code

The EMTAK code serves several important purposes:

  • Statistical Analysis: It provides a standardized method for collecting and analyzing data on economic activities, facilitating the compilation of national economic statistics and indicators.
  • Administrative Use: Government agencies, regulatory bodies, and organizations use the EMTAK code for administrative purposes, such as business registration, licensing, taxation, and reporting requirements.
  • Business Planning: Businesses utilize the EMTAK code to identify their primary economic activities, which helps in strategic planning, market analysis, and benchmarking against industry standards.
  • International Comparability: The EMTAK code aligns with the European Union’s statistical classification system (NACE), ensuring compatibility and comparability of economic data across EU member states.

Applying the EMTAK Code

Businesses in Estonia are required to register under specific EMTAK codes corresponding to their primary economic activities. When registering a business, obtaining permits, or filing tax returns, companies must accurately specify their EMTAK code to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. This classification system helps streamline administrative processes and ensures businesses are appropriately categorized for reporting and statistical purposes.


The Estonian Classification of Economic Activities (EMTAK) code is a fundamental tool for organizing, classifying, and understanding economic activities in Estonia. By assigning unique codes to various industries and sectors, the EMTAK code supports statistical analysis, regulatory compliance, business planning, and international comparability. Businesses benefit from the clarity and structure provided by the EMTAK code, enabling them to navigate regulatory requirements, analyze market trends, and contribute to Estonia’s vibrant economy effectively. Understanding and correctly applying the EMTAK code is essential for businesses operating in Estonia, ensuring they meet regulatory obligations and leverage opportunities for growth and development in the Baltic region and beyond.

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