The COSME Programme is an EU initiative designed to support the competitiveness and growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) across Europe. COSME stands for "Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises" and it operates during the period 2014-2020 under the EU's financial framework.

Objectives of the COSME Programme:

  1. Improving Access to Finance: COSME aims to facilitate access to finance for SMEs through financial instruments such as loans, guarantees, and equity investments. This helps SMEs to fund their growth, innovation, and internationalization efforts.
  2. Enhancing Market Access: The programme supports initiatives that improve SMEs' access to markets, both within the EU Single Market and globally. This includes promoting entrepreneurship, facilitating business partnerships, and encouraging cross-border cooperation.
  3. Fostering Entrepreneurship: COSME promotes entrepreneurship by providing support for startups and innovative enterprises. It aims to create a favorable environment for SMEs to thrive, innovate, and create jobs.
  4. Supporting Policy Development: The programme contributes to the development of policies that benefit SMEs, such as regulatory simplification, enhancing competitiveness, and promoting sustainable growth.

Key Components of the COSME Programme:

  1. Access to Finance:
    • COSME offers financial instruments managed by financial intermediaries (banks and other financial institutions) to improve access to finance for SMEs. These include:
      • Loan Guarantees: Providing guarantees to financial institutions to encourage lending to SMEs.
      • Equity and Venture Capital: Supporting investments in SMEs by providing equity financing or venture capital.
  2. Access to Markets:
    • COSME facilitates access to markets through initiatives such as:
      • Enterprise Europe Network (EEN): A network offering support and advice to SMEs on internationalization, business cooperation, and EU funding opportunities.
      • Clusters: Supporting cooperation among SMEs and other actors within specific industrial sectors or regions to enhance competitiveness and innovation.
  3. Entrepreneurship Promotion:
    • COSME supports entrepreneurship education, training, and awareness-raising activities to encourage new business creation and growth.
    • It promotes entrepreneurial culture and skills development, particularly among young people and women entrepreneurs.

How COSME Works:

  • Implementation: The COSME Programme is implemented through various actions and initiatives managed by the European Commission, national authorities, and partner organizations across Europe.
  • Funding: Financial support is provided through grants and financial instruments, with funding allocated to specific projects and initiatives that align with COSME's objectives.
  • Partnerships: COSME collaborates with national governments, business support organizations, financial institutions, and other stakeholders to deliver its programmes effectively.

Eligibility and Application:

  • SME Definition: Eligibility criteria typically follow the EU definition of SMEs, which considers factors such as staff headcount, turnover, and independence.
  • Calls for Proposals: Specific calls for proposals are published on the EU's Funding & Tenders Portal, detailing application procedures, eligibility criteria, and deadlines.
  • Project Proposal: Applicants must submit a project proposal outlining the objectives, activities, budget, and expected outcomes of their proposed project or initiative.

Overall, the COSME Programme plays a crucial role in supporting SMEs across Europe by providing access to finance, markets, and entrepreneurship support, thereby contributing to economic growth, job creation, and innovation within the EU.

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