In Hungary, annual reporting requirements for companies are structured to ensure transparency, accountability, and compliance with regulatory standards. These obligations apply to all types of companies, including limited liability companies (Kft.), joint-stock companies (Rt.), and other legal entities operating within the Hungarian legal framework. Here’s a comprehensive guide to the key annual reporting requirements for companies in Hungary:

1. Annual Financial Statements

Requirement: Companies in Hungary must prepare annual financial statements that provide a comprehensive overview of their financial position, performance, and cash flows for the fiscal year.

  • Components: The financial statements typically include:
    • Balance Sheet (Mérleg): Presents the company’s assets, liabilities, and equity at the end of the financial year.
    • Income Statement (Eredménykimutatás): Shows the company’s revenues, expenses, and profits or losses incurred during the year.
    • Cash Flow Statement (Pénzáramlás kimutatás): Reports on the company’s cash inflows and outflows over the year.
    • Notes to the Financial Statements (Mellékletek): Provide additional details and explanations on specific items in the financial statements.
  • Compliance: Financial statements must adhere to Hungarian accounting standards, which are largely harmonized with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for larger entities.

2. Annual Report and Management Report

Requirement: Alongside financial statements, companies are required to prepare an annual report and a management report.

  • Annual Report: Provides an overview of the company's activities, developments, and performance during the year.
  • Management Report: Includes information on the company's strategy, risks, investments, and future outlook.

3. Auditing Requirements

Requirement: Companies in Hungary may be subject to mandatory auditing based on certain criteria:

  • Statutory Audit: Mandatory for large companies, public companies, and entities meeting specific thresholds (e.g., total assets, turnover).
  • Voluntary Audit: Small and medium-sized companies (Kis- és középvállalkozások, KKV) may opt for voluntary audit if not mandatory.

4. Filing Obligations

Requirement: Companies must file their annual financial statements, annual report, and management report with the Company Information Service (Cégkapu) and the Hungarian Court of Registration (Cégbíróság).

  • Deadline: The deadline for filing annual reports is generally within 5 months from the end of the financial year.

5. Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Requirement: Companies are required to hold an AGM annually to discuss and approve financial statements, distribution of profits, appointment of auditors (if applicable), and other key decisions.

  • Public Companies: Public companies must hold an AGM within 6 months from the end of the financial year.

6. Other Reporting Obligations

  • Tax Reporting: Companies must fulfill their tax reporting obligations with the Hungarian Tax Authority (NAV).
  • Statistical Reporting: Submission of statistical reports to the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (Központi Statisztikai Hivatal).


Understanding and complying with annual reporting requirements is crucial for Hungarian companies to uphold transparency, facilitate informed decision-making by stakeholders, and ensure compliance with legal and regulatory standards. Companies should stay updated on any changes to reporting requirements and seek professional advice when necessary to navigate complex regulations effectively. By adhering to these obligations, companies can strengthen their governance practices and maintain credibility in the business environment of Hungary.

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